The Official Website of Florida Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association

Conference Professional Development Opportunities – LTI Courses!

Hello Florida Athletic Directors!

We encourage you to go to and click on the Professional Development tab – then click on Certification and then scroll down to see the various levels of certification available. You can also see the tremendous collection of LTC’s (Leadership Training Courses) that you can take via webinar or through a number of online university providers. Each course is a tremendous learning experience on its own and collectively, lead to certification through the NIAAA.

You can also email or phone us if you have questions about Certification. I can help you develop a plan to become certified. I hope you continue to have a great year and a great career as an Athletic Administrator in Florida!

Dan Talbot, CMAA
Scott Drabczyk, CMAA
Lanness Robinson, CMAA

Get Certified and Go FIAAA!

Scott Drabczyk, CMAA

NIAAA State Coordinator

Dan Talbot, CMAA

NIAAA State Coordinator

Lanness Robinson, CMAA

NIAAA State Coordinator

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